The state-run firm BSNL is planning to launch satellite phone services for all people across India in 2 years. The aim of this service is to provide the uninterrupted services during natural calamities. Satellite phone service will provide mobile service to every nook and corner of the country.
The Chairman and MD, Anupam Srivastava said that “we had sent an application to International Maritime Organization. The process will take some time to complete.” He added further that in 18-24 months we would be in the position to provide satellite phone service to all Indians in a phased manner.
In the near future, the places which are not currently covered by mobile services are going to get this mobile satellite service. Satellite phones can provide service in any corner of the country. It can even work inside flights and ships as the phone is able to directly receive the signal from the satellite located about 35,700 KM above our planet.
Earlier to this, the traditional mobile network covered about 25-30 KM around the towers. These can send the signals to mobiles placed equal or below the height of the mobile tower.
The state-owned company has begun the satellite phone service using INMARSAT service. In the initial phase, it will offer the service to government organizations. Further, it will be extended in the country in a phased manner.
In order to deliver the satellite phone service, the company will use 14 satellites. These are capable of providing the mobile networks where no networks are available presently.
As per the company officials, BSNL will provide these satellite phones to disaster handling agencies like Railways, BSF, State Police and other such agencies.
Anupam further added that the number of satellite phone connections in the country is very less. Once this service is launched, the whole mobile market is going to change. It will bring down the cost of service due to the large volume of connections. The call rate would be around Rs. 30-35 in the 1st phase due to the low volume of connections, around 4,600 connections only. Currently, the satellite phones cost around 40,000 and above. As of now, all these phones are imported. Once the service is open for all people in India, it is likely to bring down the cost of the phone as well.