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Revealed: Salman Khan daily diet and fitness routine


Salman Khan is well known for maintaining his fitness. If you had ever seen his 6 pack body, you would wonder how he managed to maintain his fit body.

Recently, Salman’s diet has been revealed by a popular online portal. After Manish Advilkar took the role of his gym trainer, Salman’s diet plan was completely restructured. Currently, Salman follows a very strict protein-rich diet comprising fish, egg whites, meat and milk to complement his intense fitness regimen.

Commenting on his fitness, Salman revealed during the BodyPower Expo 2016 in Mumbai that his body is made out of the gym. You might spend about one to two hours in the gym, but it is your discipline and a strong mind that plays a greater role in achieving your desired body. That’s perhaps the secret behind Salman Khan’s envied physique.

He disclosed that he has a very tight schedule one day and could not attend the gym. But he managed to reach the gym at around 1AM or 2AM and started to workout. He also enjoys cycling. If you happen to be in the Panvel area during morning hour, you could spot Salman.

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Salman Khan’s Diet

Salman kick starts his day with four egg whites and low-fat milk. His launch consists of five chapatis, grilled vegetables, and salad. As far as snacks are concerned, he reaches out to the nearest protein bar and eats a handful of nuts.

For dinner, Salman eats two egg whites, fish or chicken, and soup. Before undergoing workout, Salman enjoys a protein shake and two egg whites. After a workout at the gym, his diet will have oats, almonds, three egg whites and a protein bar.

According to Salman Khan, the kind of food you eat is important as your workout. In the meantime, Salman completely avoids processed and sugary food.

Salman Khan workout regime

Normally, Salman works out for two to three hours daily. He follows a disciplined workout regime that consists of weight training for three days a week and cardio for three days. On Sunday, he primarily focuses on the few body parts - biceps, triceps, abs, legs, and back. He is also reportedly do 2000 sit ups and 1000 push ups at a time.

Weight Training: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Salman Khan undergoes weight training on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. He starts his workout with warm up exercises such as jumping jacks and squats. He also runs on a treadmill. He also performs cardio training on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

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