It seems that scientists have finally solved the mystery of Bermuda Triangle which is known as a cursed area by many sailors and paranormal enthusiasts. This triangle is located between Puerto Rico, Miami and Island of Bermuda.
Why this is called a cursed sea!? Because many ships and planes have vanished mysteriously over this area. To clear the mystery, scientists have found out a hexagonal pattern or clouds forming above this Bermuda triangle which are creating hysterical air bombs with a wind of 273 kilometre per hour.
This triangle has gulped around 100 ships and 70 planes, which have vanished in a very unexplainable way. These air bombs which are spread in the 5,00,000-kilometre square patch in the North Atlantic Ocean are capable of bringing down planes and ships. These hexagonal shaped clouds are 20 to 50 miles wide and form over the patch of water. This has been detected by scientists using radar satellite imagery.
Meteorologist Dr Randy as reported by Sun said, “these hexagonal shaped clouds are in essence air bombs and are formed by microburst. These are blasts of air.”
Now the question is how they bring down planes and ships? These blasts have hurricane force and can reach up to 273 kilometre per hour which is can bring down ships and planes.
Bermuda Triangle mystery solved;
Few scientists have other takes on this triangle as according to them, this phenomenon occurs globally and can be seen at mid to high latitudes, and usually around the cold season.
The most mysterious disappearance goes back in the history when Christopher Columbus reported that he has seen a strange light and strange reading in the area in 1492. Another one was, when English voyage, The Sea Venture was destroyed which brings first human settlement in the island. One of the famous disappearance happened in 1945 when Flight 19 vanished.
Whether this is a myth or a fact, but surely it is not solved yet.